Benefits of Building Niche Websites Over Writing for Shared Revenue Sites
Online publishers can earn money in several ways. A popular method of generating revenue through writing involves partnership with shared revenue sites. Another established alternative involves building niche websites using your content.
Each method of earning a profit from your words has distinct advantages. With shared revenue websites, the responsibility of choosing a server for hosting usually does not rest on the writer. Writers also don’t have to worry about finding advertisers or altering the layout of their content to produce the best click through rates.
However, sometimes even these seeming advantages can turn into disadvantages. If your partner in this endeavor is not diligent and adept at making decisions that benefit the site, you will have problems.
For example, they may not always choose the best server to match the needs of the website. In this situation, you may sometimes lose data or experience lots of downtime, during which the site cannot earn anything because no visitors have access to all the content.
Finding advertisers is not as difficult as it might seem. There are some advertisers however who will not be available to you unless you are getting certain levels of traffic. If you think that another type of educational content would give more revenue, you may be able to suggest it to your partner, but you would not have complete control over the final decision.
With a shared revenue site you have less security for the long term. With your own sites, the longevity of the site depends mostly on you. Several sites have risen and crashed over the years. This leaves writers worse off after they have invested time and effort into building backlinks to their content on the sites and doing other work to bring visitors in.
When you build a niche website, you can always sell it and make a profit. If you have a need for lots of cash, you can easily generate the quantity you need by putting one of your websites up for sale. In fact, some people build websites with the sole intention of selling them as soon as they start generating steady revenue for at least three months.
That is a good option for people who like building websites but do not want to keep maintaining the sites for years. They want to move on to another challenging topic. These people are like church planters who go into an area and start a church with fire and enthusiasm. However they may not be as interested in all the tasks that come with pastoring a congregation.