An over the counter numbing cream for Brazilian waxing can make this cosmetic procedure a lot less painful. While some women don’t mind the bite that comes with having a Brazilian wax done, for others, the thought of going through it causes a fair amount of trepidation.
There is no need to go through discomfort during any type of body wax. There are several creams which you can buy over the counter, which have been developed specifically to numb sensitive areas.
numbing spray for waxing
no scream cream relax and wax
numbing spray for face
An over the counter numbing cream for waxing bikini areas on women who prefer this technique can work wonders. If you are hesitant about trying waxing because you have heard that it can be uncomfortable, your caution is reasonable.
However, you don’t have to feel uncomfortable while you are having your bikini area waxed. If you like the look and prefer that to shaving, add a good numbing cream like this to your kit. You don’t even have to let the person who will be doing your bikini wax know.
numbing spray for waxing
no scream cream relax and wax
numbing spray for face
Usually, you will have to apply an over the counter numbing cream half an hour to 45 minutes before you are scheduled to receive your beauty treatment. The best creams work really well at alleviating the unpleasantness of waxing and you may even feel like doing your own bikini wax at home.
If you try at home bikini waxing, you may also want to consider numbing wipes instead of a numbing cream. The moral of the story is, if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. If an over the counter numbing cream or numbing spray like this does not work for you, try a different brand.
If creams aren’t convenient, try numbing wipes like those from Sally Hansen. There are also numbing sprays available. You don’t have to feel uncomfortable while you are getting a body wax.
When you use an over the counter numbing cream for waxing, you generally need to apply it a short time before you go to your salon. This gives the cream time to work. If you have ever had a Brazilian wax done without the help of a numbing cream, you will definitely notice the difference when you choose to use a numbing cream for your Brazilian wax.
lidocaine before brazilian wax
numb master topical anesthetic cream
emla cream for waxing
An over the counter numbing cream for waxing can be used for a bikini wax as well. If you don’t like the Brazilian wax or prefer any other style, the creams listed below are safe for you to use in any case:
Dr. Numb Numbing Cream For Bikini Wax
No Scream Cream Hair Removal Wax
Both Dr. Numb Numbing Cream For Bikini Wax and No Scream Cream Hair Removal Wax are good for men and women who prefer waxing when it comes to grooming private, personal areas.
This cream works fine and you can apply it 45 minutes before waxing. It usually works best if you let it stay on your skin for a bit before putting on clothes. This definitely takes the edge off for most waxing treatments.