Removal of Skin Tags on Labia Minora and Majora During Pregnancy- Groin Growths Removal at Home

Pregnant woman
Finding the right method of treating skin tags on labia during pregnancy is a concern for some expectant mothers. People can have skin tags on many different parts of their body. They are often found on the neck and face. Some people have anal skin tags as well.

Pregnant woman being checked by doctor
There are several ways of treating skin tags effectively. However the method you choose will depend on your budget, the time you have available for recovery and other factors.
You should make certain that what you are seeing are actually skin tags before you choose a method of treatment. Polyps can resemble skin tags. Areas of warm, raised skin may also be due to other factors.
Squamous cancer also looks like skin tags on rare occasions. Some people may also see other growths such as warts in these areas. Certain viruses, such as the human papilloma virus (HPV) can cause warts to grow around the genital area as well.

Pregnant woman touching abdomen
Skin tags usually grow on skin that is located on parts of the body that are relatively dry. They can make movement uncomfortable while you are playing sports or doing regular activities. For example, the vagina and labia are not areas that typically give problems.
However this does not mean that they are never affected by skin tags.Tags in these areas may be irritated during a hot shower. Women can have skin tags on both the labia minor and labia majora.

Pregnant woman profile
The method that is used to effectively remove a skin tag often depends on its size. Extremely tiny skin tags can often be removed in a doctor’s office within a few minutes. These heal quickly but you should be careful when bathing even after such a quick procedure.
Some people even choose to remove tiny skin tags at home themselves by using a pair of scissors that they have cleaned with alcohol or an antiseptic. They usually apply a Q-tip soaked in alcohol to the area and keep it there until any bleeding has stopped.
“I first heard about Dermatend and other similar products from doctors years ago. A doctor I worked for applied it to a mole on my face. It worked.”
Moderate skin tags that occur during pregnancy can usually be easily removed with over the counter treatments. These are usually in a liquid form and have to be applied daily. Most skin tags that are treated using this method fall off within a few days.
You will find that most natural skin tag removers have been tested in clinical trials and have been found to be effective. However this does not mean that all of them work in the same way. This means that if you have tried a remover in the past and it did not work for you, you should never think that all of the brands that are out there function in the same way.
Check the active ingredients to see if you are allergic to any of the ingredients and always test the substance on a small area of your skin before applying it to several tags on your labia.
Removing large skin tags on the labia during pregnancy usually causes a little more bleeding. For this reason you should have this done in a dermatologist’s office. Large skin tags on the labia can be removed by freezing. This is an effective means of getting rid of skin tags and can be used on different areas of the body.
Vaginal and labial skin tags are in sensitive areas and should be removed as quickly as possible if they frequently become irritated or cause pain. Like other skin tags, there is always a risk of having them twist or even come off at a time when you cannot properly stop the bleeding. If a growth is not causing any issues, obstetricians may sometimes discuss the option of waiting. In this case, some gynecologists excise skin tags on the labia right after delivery.